Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money

10 January 2020


Hobby Lobby CEO David Green

Hobby Lobby

7707 SW 44th St

Oklahoma City, OK  73179


Dear Mr. Green:


I hope the recent Holiday season brought you and your team many blessings.  I’m sure the Holiday shopping season did as well.


How well do you know Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe??  A few days ago, he blocked a resolution that would have called out Donald Trump’s attempts to target Iranian cultural sites as “war crimes”.  Needless to say, this has made many of us in the blue states rather angry with him.


Attacking a United States Senator is not always easy.  This is especially true in a state like Oklahoma where the citizens are not likely to elect someone from the opposition party.  There is only one thing left to do. You must attack the state directly. One of the easiest ways to this where we live is look up a state’s largest employer and then start locking them out of blue state marketplaces.  We looked up Oklahoma’s largest employers and guessed who showed up?? That would be you.


Quite plainly, we have wanted to mess with you for a long time.  Your leadership team is loaded with bigoted filth. Before you even start, please realize that in intelligent society, nobody is fooled by sexism and bigotry because you stick Christ in front of it as a shield.


There were two reasons we did not come after you in the past.  The first one was your customers. You do what you do better than anyone in the marketplace does it.  Most of your customers were also older baby boomer relatives. Unfortunately, they helped elect the treasonous clown pretending to be President so there’s no reason to worry about their wishes or marketplace experiences any longer.


The second reason we did not come after you was your employees.  They have a unique set of skills. How were we going to recycle them into the marketplace??  Thanks to Donald Trump, everyone can get 3 jobs. Yes you can get 3, but if you add them all together, it doesn’t equate to one salary.  Your workers should be able to find something to do.


For years this was maddening.  How could a great company that provided great service be run by illiterate white nationalist trash that believed in mistranslated end times fantasies??  Maybe we should have acted back then.


If I can make a suggestion, please do not ever come to a blue state saying you’re the “Hobby Lobby” guy.  Fine to use your name, nobody knows it. Also fine just appearing in places because until today, I didn’t what you looked like.  However, many who live in the places where you cannot trade urine for land have been trained to despise the “Hobby Lobby” guy.


Therefore, we will use our resources in blue states to take your profit down a notch.  No, this will not be a boycott. Boycotts are not effective. What is effective is using Planning, Zoning, Codes and other regulations just to make you live up to the letter of the law.  In today’s “profit before anything world”, your store hasn’t dedicated enough employee hours to run of the mill operations and following every single regulation. Don’t feel bad – no store does this.  This is a post 9/11 profit fetish thing. I just figured out how to hack it to create changes in corporate behavior.


If we cause you enough financial anguish, within the boundaries of the law, you will call Senator Inhofe and say, “What the H E double hockey sticks??”  Maybe if a couple of your employees get close to losing their jobs due to the reduction in profit, they will embarrass him publicly. That will be good enough for us until the next time your perversion of Christ’s teachings causes you to do something bigoted and sexist.


Since I brought up Christ’s teachings, do yourself a favor and review Matthew 5:17.  Turns out Jesus is pro choice. Then go read the story of the guy who’s not worthy to be healed by Christ.  Yes, Catholics say the words of a gay man every week at Mass. Christ heals two gay people and never asked them to repent.  You turned Christ into a bigot when he’s not. In short your faith is a fraud.


Part of me hopes you get the message from today.  Part of me hopes you don’t and continue to screw up because you owe so much.  In any event, thank Donald Trump for reminding us that Evangelicals have no place in civilized society.  Thank Senator Inhofe for giving us an opportunity to right two wrongs at the same time.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give me a call.  Thank you for your time and consideration.


In Hoc Signo,


Robert T. Oliveira


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