Does AG Neronha Want In On The Virginia Action??

14 June 2024

Honorable Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Neronha

Office of the Rhode Island Attorney General

4 Howard Avenue

Cranston, RI  02920

Honorable Attorney General Neronha:

I hope the early transition into late Spring has been kind to you.  Thanks for all the time you and your team put in when I raise various Open Meeting Law and APRA issues.  However, this letter is about something else entirely.

How familiar are you with Virginia Politics??  Ever heard of a guy named Harry Jackson??  He might have been a whistleblower for Jim Jordan.

Why would I bring him up??  What if I told you there was a Rhode Islander who was part of the same crew??  Yes, the wonderful Nicole Solas is also on this team.

I wrote to Senator Schumer about this yesterday.  I realized I hadn’t written to him about anything since I left Utica.  I wanted to do this from an overall New York perspective.

If Nicole is part of the team, you know what that means, right??  Her money comes from the same illicit sources.  She takes orders from the same racists.  She is not interested in actually improving society.  She is interested in making Project 2025 a reality.

One thing we have learned about the GOP under Trump is they all follow the same script.  They find compromised folks and offer them cash to do despicable things.  When they get caught breaking the law, legal counsel comes from on high as a reward for engaging in racist and bigoted activity.

Forgetting about the legal implications involved, and also forgetting about your own value system, can we start with a simple question??  Don’t Rhode Island kids deserve better than to have folks like this running around trying to mess up the system because it is the only way the modern GOP can win races??  Doesn’t that give you the excuse to spend some resources in order to make sure Nicole Solas is following the law??

Do you have anyone with New York or Virginia connections??  No, I’m not asking you to tell me.  I’m just suggesting that the more we coordinate, the easier it will be to defeat these lawbreakers.  This isn’t just about retiring the GOP’s hopes of bringing about a Christian Nationalist state.  It is indeed about law and order.

Therefore, I am going to ask you the same question I asked Senator Schumer.  Is there a member of the staff who could monitor these developments as part of their responsibilities??  I would happily forward to them numerous complaints.  Then, because we know Nicole engages in the same behaviors that Harry does, we could see how matching complaints of a Rhode Island flavor could be developed.  The kids you are protecting will thank you.

Please do not mistake what we are up against.  Yes, most GOP types in the modern era are not exactly educated.  Yes, they make basic mistakes all the time.  Billionaires in our nation decided to use things like the Electoral College and the makeup of the Senate so that they never have to be worried about achieving a “majority mindset”.  They only need 270 Electoral College votes and 51 Senate votes, representing about 38% of the population.  The weird part was inviting the Christian Nationalists in to seal the deal.

Politics everywhere is about to change.  In the upcoming elections, I plan on helping to make sure Trump loses, so we have upcoming elections. People are going to ask what you did in this period of time.  Creepily, it is like 1935-1939 Germany in a number of ways.  You have been the subject of rumors about where you are running for higher office.  If you decide to do that, folks will want to know what you did in response to Project 2025.  Kids are going to look back when they get out of school and see who only repeated cliches versus who actually stood up for them.

A decade from now it will be great.  COVID and old age will have just about eliminated the GOP even under the unfair system we have now.  However, in the meantime, if we get this election wrong, many people, especially women, black folks, and gay folks will suffer.  Some 60,000 rape victims have already been forced to give birth in the red states.  Imagine what they would make all of us do if they got national power??  By tying the Harry and Nicole efforts together, we can take steps to prevent all that.

Thank you for your time and consideration.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In Hoc Signo,

Robert T. Oliveira

Spending a great deal of time in the woods of East and West Greenwich with homeless folks lately


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